The Mr. Nice Guy Show Blog

Listen to The Mr. Nice Guy Show podcast, too.

My thoughts on what's goin' on in the world,

just like years ago on the radio.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Trust in Journalism???

Trust in Journalism???

B-i-g surprise here: trust in journalism has hit new lows, according to the second annual State of the Media Report. Here's the story, as reported in today's Michigan Daily and this is the full report from the Project for Excellence in Journalism.

Y'wonder if this bothers any of these news execs, or are they all worried about hairspray, bleeding and leading?

Conclusion: listen to the BBC. See the links on the left.


Wednesday, March 16, 2005

News Whores, Shitmongers: a much better description

News Whores, Shitmongers: a much better description

Why I don't watch broadcast news anymore [and even take the supposedly higher echelon, dignified print journalists with gigantic grains of salt]: the saga continues...

1) A NY Times editorial, And now, the counterfeit news, says it's time to acknowledge that the nation's news organizations have played a large and unappetizing role in deceiving the public.

2) A Washington Post editorial slams the Bush administration for its use of prepackaged news releases that amount to propaganda, as well as the TV stations that have dutifully broadcast them: Viewer beware.

3) Broadcasting and Cable mag is reporting that The House Judiciary Committee plans to mark up a bill Wednesday targeting the vetting process, or lack thereof, that allowed James Guckert (under the name of Jeff Gannon) to become a credentialed White House reporter.


With thanks to
for their daily email of this
important information

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Fine Broadcast Journalism

Fine Broadcast Journalism

The administration's efforts to generate positive news coverage have been
considerably more pervasive than previously known -- and records and interviews
suggest widespread complicity or negligence by television stations. So we learn from this article, Under Bush, a New Age of Prepackaged TV News, in Sunday's New York Times.

Accuracy, impartiality, investigation and context mean nothing to people in TV news, that's why I never watch. They just want money, attention, fame, real nice hair and not a lot of hard work or thinkin'.


Monday, March 14, 2005

I'm Yakkin' Up a Storm

I'm Yakkin' Up a Storm

Seven new Mr. Nice Guy Shows are up and ready for your ears. We cover everything from Michael Jackson's tardiness to buffet dining to motivational speakers to something called the Vasclip (hint: you won't find it at the office supply store).

Have some fun with The Mr. Nice Guy Show, all wired for sound!
