Quotable Quote
Let us take a moment to salute Bernard Derome.
He has just returned as anchor of Le Téléjournal, Radio-Canada TV's major nitely newscast. Radio Canada is the French equivalent of the CBC. Derome hosted the newscast from 1970 to 1998, then ran off to do other projects for six years. The story is detailed in a 3/29/04
Macleans Magazine article.
Best part - and I mean
the best part - is in the very last paragraph. A glorious, wonderful, insightful summation of what the news, what the whole media, should be focused on...and what it sadly is now.
"He professes little interest in ratings.
'The stories we cover -- do people end up
knowing a bit more about them? Does it help them
understand a bit more? That's the only thing.
All the rest -- formulas are shit,
and you can't reinvent the wheel.'"
Merci, Bernard.