Quite a Virtuous Guy
You just have no idea - no idea - how much I enjoyed this story in today's New York Times...
Relentless Moral Crusader Is Relentless Gambler
May 3, 2003
By Katharine Q. Seelye
WASHINGTON, May 2 - William J. Bennett, author of "The Book of Virtues" and one of the nation's most relentless moral crusaders, is a high-rolling gambler who has lost more than $8 million at casinos in the last decade, according to online reports from two magazines.
The Washington Monthly said on its Web site that "over the last decade Bennett has made dozens of trips to casinos in Atlantic City and Las Vegas, where he is a `preferred customer' at several of them, and sources and documents provided to The Washington Monthly put his total losses at more than $8 million."
In an article that depends on much the same reporting, the online version of Newsweek said that 40 pages of internal casino documents show that Mr. Bennett received treatment typical of high-stakes gamblers, including limousines and "tens of thousands of dollars in complimentary hotel rooms and other amenities."
Mr. Bennett, who has served Republican presidents as education secretary and drug czar, declined to be interviewed today by The New York Times, with a spokesman saying that he needed to digest the articles before responding. --edit--
The magazines say he earns $50,000 for each appearance in
speaking fees on the lecture circuit, where he inveighs
against various sins, weaknesses and vices of modern
culture. --edit to end--
I love it!!!!!
This loathsome, pompous, holier-than-thou travels the nation telling people how to live virtuous lives...and then spends his spare time sweating over gambling tables, pissing away his money while millions of Americans go hungry, have no health insurance, no jobs.
Welcome to the Republican party.
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