Social Security
The Prez has stopped calling it
privatization, because it turns out that doesn't play well with the focus groups. Now, he's talkin' "personal accounts." Same thing: an effort to hand billions over to his wealthy, martini-sipping, private sector pals.
My thanks to the
Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, for explaining this for me and millions of others...
As a Reform Jew, I embrace a religious tradition that urges people to respect and care for their elders. Again and again, our tradition reminds us to care for the most vulnerable in our society: the widow, the orphan and the stranger.
Through the creation of the Social Security program, our nation made a commitment to lift the elderly out of poverty, and we have had amazing success. In 1958, 59% of the elderly population lived in poverty. Today, the percentage of elderly Americans living in poverty, 10.2 %, is below the national average, 12.4%. Without Social Security, over half of women and 40% of men over sixty-five would be living in poverty.
Social Security is the lynchpin of our safety net, and it ensures that millions of elderly Americans have income insurance as they age and retire. Plans to privatize Social Security threaten the promise of income security we have offered to our elders. While some changes need to be made in Social Security to respond to the aging American population, privatization of Social Security will only exacerbate the program’s fiscal problems. Under a privatization scheme, trillions of dollars needed to pay today’s and tomorrow’s retirees, disabled workers and their families would be shifted from the trust fund to private accounts, rapidly depleting the Social Security trust fund.
I oppose any plan that would replace Social Security’s current benefits with private accounts, either in whole or in part. Social Security must remain a social insurance program. Its primary role should continue to be providing for the elderly, widows, widowers, orphans, and people with disabilities.
I urge [legislators] to reject any proposal that seeks to privatize Social Security.